Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I order from other country?

Yes, we deliver worldwide.

Q. How much is the shipping fee?

Shipping is from Canada. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on the destination.

Flat rate: 15 CAD

Q. I have an allergy to alcohol. Can I use this product?

The alcohol content in sake lees is 0.2%. However, if you have sensitive skin or an alcohol allergy, please perform a patch test before use. Our products are suitable for sensitive skin.

Q. Are the sake lees from Japan?

Yes, we use sake lees from Japanese breweries.

Q. Can I purchase your products in stores in Japan?

Currently, we do not sell in stores in Japan. Purchases can only be made online.

Q. I want to cancel my order.

We generally do not accept returns or cancellations due to customer convenience after the order has been placed.